post image June 26, 2022 | 2 min Read

Deploying an app to Qlik Sense Cloud from Azure Devops/Github Actions

We have just added an example to the docs for GitFirst for Qlik Sense showing a short, simple Azure Devops pipeline for deploying an application to Qlik Sense cloud.

This is in addition to the equivalent Github Action example already in the docs.

We will try to add more examples in the coming weeks (e.g. for Jenkins, CircleCI etc.) but using the docs it should be quite straight forward to run a ‘build’ from the command line on the build server of your choice, or even just from your laptop.

This build process takes your load script, along with (optionally):

  • Definitions of master items & variables
  • Test definitions (to check the data model and other aspects of the app are correct).
  • A template Qlik Sense application (for front end)
  • A values YAML file allowing you to parameterise all the above files (and consequently the data model and other output).

And will automatically deploy them into your Qlik Sense tenant and give immediate feedback if any of the tests have failed.

On a platform like Github or Azure devops you get the added bonus of commit status reports:

Azure Devops commit status of Qlik Sense build
Github Action commit status of Qlik Sense build

Linking back to the build with full details and archived attachments of the outputs generated during the build. Here is an example screenshot from Azure Devops:

Azure Devops artifacts from Qlik Sense build

Here’s how the Github Action output looks, and the same archived attachments are available on the Summary screen for downloading:

Github Action output for Qlik Sense build

These pass/fail commit statuses can be used to prevent breaking changes in code from being integrated back into the main branches before all the required checks and tests have passed.

Code reviews via pull requests can also play an important role in keeping your load scripts and other Qlik related artifacts and config healthy and bug free.

GitFirst for Qlik Sense is currently available as a beta - if you are interested in trying out please sign up for the newsletter here.